It's not all that uncommon for a business owner to have less than perfect credit. Sometimes a business owner has to sacrifice his/her credit in order to save their business from a few slow months or in some cases to start up their business. Most banks will not issue a merchant account to a business owner that has a poor credit history. We have referral agreements in place with some of the biggest processors in the country. When these processors receive a bad credit merchant account application they will typically refer it to Passthrough Payments for processing.
Sometimes a bad credit merchant account, after being turned down for a merchant account from their bank will go so far as to put their business into the name of a friend or family member just to accept credit cards. This is absolutely NOT necessary with Passthrough Payments. It is never a good idea to give up any control of your business or resort to misleading your bank just to accept credit cards.
Since we have multiple solutions we shop your business with multiple banks and let them bid for your business. Some of our banks have different guidelines than others on certain types of businesses so this usually results in our merchants getting unbeatable rates. For this reason our merchants tend to stay with us for years and years.
At Passthrough Payments A BAD CREDIT MERCHANT ACCOUNT IS NO PROBLEM. No matter what your credit looks like (or if you have NO credit at all) we can find you a great rate without reserves, hidden fees or start up fees. Inquire with us today and we'll get you a free quote.